Home Care Packages Program
Iris Manors Home Care Package Program works to maintain individual independence whilst staying living in the comfort and familiarity of your own home.
Whatever level of Home Care Package you have, our team will work with you to ensure a support program is targeted to your individual care needs.
Iris Manor also offers the option of you continuing to receive your Home Care Package Funding, whilst living in 24-hour supported care at our facility in Ashburton.
Iris Manor will be considered your private home, thus allowing you to still access your Home Care Package to assist in the funding of your personal care.
What is a home care package?
Home Care packages are funded by the Federal Government, that provide you with access to a range of subsidized services to support you and keep independent, comfortable, and safe in your own home.
These packages range from Level 1 (Basic Care needs) through to Level 4 (High Care Needs).
To register for a home care package please refer to the My Aged Care portal Click here or talk to an Iris Manor representative.
They will help you navigate the My Aged Care portal.
What services can be provided under a home care package?
- Personal Care
- Nursing Care
- Allied health
Physiotherapy. occupational therapy and other therapies
- Social support
- Medication Prompts
- Equipment
- Meals
- Cleaning
- Shopping
- Transport
How does it work within the Supported Residential Service?
After being assessed and approved as eligible and then receiving an offer of funding from the Government we will meet with you and your family representative to talk through the home care package program and what you would like the home care package to provide.
A home care package service agreement is provided, a care plan is prepared which idenifise the home care package service with an individualised budget. This care plan is incorporated into your SRS care plam with identification of what services are being provided from which program and how this is funded.
How do I find out what I'm eligible for?
Eligibility for a home care package is based on your care needs and is assessed by the Aged Care Assessment Service (ACAS) arranged via My Aged Care or through your family GP. At Iris Manor we understand the process can be confusing; an Iris Manor representative can meet with you and help you navigate the My Aged Care portal, talk about home care packages and how this works within our supported residential services.
For additional information about our Home Care Packages Program or to book a tour of Iris Manor please contact:
Sarah Van Gerrevink on 0418 599 955
or Han Huyhn on 1800 983 363
To see and download a copy of Iris Aged Care Home Care Package Fee and Charges click here